Thursday, April 4, 2013

New Look

Goodbye March, hello April, and welcome Spring!!!

Oh blessed warm weather!  It is SO nice to not have to wear so many layers all the time.  Never mind that I did just buy a pair of on-sale-end-of-season boots that were a super good deal that now probably won't see much foot time until next fall, the sunshine is wonderful!

The breeze through the open windows did stir up that pesky little "spring itch" of mine though...
winter tends to make me lazy, and spring tends to make me antsy.  I get overloaded with visions of cleaning/revamping/completely re-doing everything.  So far last weekend fell victim to cleaning, and this blog took a hit when I decided it needed a fresh new look.  I've experimented with backgrounds before and always go back to my old ways.  So far I don't love it... we'll see how long it lasts.

A new haircut is next on my list.

We took Brin to the park the other day and, though she did not seem as thrilled as I thought she'd be, we got some fun photos... and some sunburns... dang.  She was the cutest little Easter baby I have ever seen though!!  :)  More on that to come later.

Happy Sunshiney Days from our warm happy family to yours!

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