Saturday, January 31, 2015

Just A Little January

Oh... I have some pictures.
It's possible that I might take too many.  But what can I say?  Our family is just so dang cute!

January wasn't a bad month for us.  Busy!  But, not bad.
It has been bitter cold here.  With the windchill we've seen temperatures in the negative 20's some days, and we got a bunch more snow.  Gag. Not too big of a deal for me, I just stay in.  But Tim has had fun getting to and from campus.

Poor Brinlee is going stir crazy being cooped up inside away from the cold.  We've been trying to stay entertained with some crafting.  We do a lot of coloring, some painting, plenty of play dough, baking, and the other morning, we made a "baby sister McKenna snowman" to add to our snowy little family.

Speaking of Brinlee, she is just as darling and busy as ever.  She is such a ball of fire.  She talks all the time and runs around here doing the funniest things!  She keeps us chuckling, that's for sure.

We signed her up for the Tiny Tumbler's class at the rec center.  They attempt to teach a few basics, but mostly it's 45 minutes of climbing and running around.  It's perfect!  And no surprise, she loves it.  She's a wild woman.  She's in there with a couple of her gal pals from nursery and they have a marvelous time.  It's pretty cute.

Oh this baby.  Why do they grow so fast!  She is 2 1/2 months now (just over 11 weeks actually)  and the stinker is just getting way too big.  She is a total social butterfly.  She smiles all the time, makes faces and coo's, and loves to be talked to.  In fact, she hollers pretty impressively if your attention is not on her.  She likes to be held sitting up and facing out, the little busy body.  She just has to see everything that's going on.  She is so much fun!  Let's get a good look at her face, shall we?

Couldn't you just kiss those chubby cheeks all day??  I do!  :)
At her 2 month appointment on the 13th she was 24 inches long (that's 95th percentile!) and a whopping 11 pounds 12 ounces.  Cute little chunk.

Can I just say I am LOVING being home all the time?!  It is so nice!  I love cuddling these little dollies, and I love watching them be sisters!  Brinlee just adores McKenna, and McKenna thinks Brinlee is fascinating.  They talk and smile at each other all day long.  It makes this mama's heart happy!  :)

Daddy isn't home all the time, but he sure has become quite the celebrity when he gets home.  Brinlee just can't wait to climb on him.  And to be honest, I don't think he minds the cuddles.  

Oh it's a sweet life. 
Hope you all had a happy January!

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