Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Nurse's Note: My Week

Here is a little look at my week so far.

Looks like a seriously good time doesn't it?
You know, it really hasn't been actually.  I spent all last week absolutely miserable.  I caught a bit of a bug (read: some completely awful virus) and spent several days trying not to breathe on the girls and sleeping as much as I could.  It was terrible.

I am feeling better now thankfully, but that means tackling the aftermath.  I hate that.  The sickies make me a bit paranoid as it is (the curse of a nurse I guess), but it's been even worse this winter having a new little baby.  I don't want to see my girls sick.
And so, I'm sterilizing.
It makes for some really fun days (insert cheesy smile and sarcastic thumbs up).  
Isn't winter awesome?!

1 comment:

  1. I swear, someone has been sick in our house for the past 2 months. Let's bring back SUMMER!

    It's hard with a baby...hope the girls and Tim can avoid it!
