"Hey mom, do I have boobees anymore?
Daddy doesn't have boobees.
I hope I don't have boobees soon. They're yucky."
It turns out, "boobees" is Brinlee language for "goopies", which is what I had been calling the sad but copious amounts of gunk coming from the girls eyes during their round of pink eye,
which came after their round with coughs, runny noses and fevers,
and came only shortly before we all went the rounds with a stomach bug,
and then finished off with the girls going yet another round with coughs, runny noses, and fevers.
In a nutshell, January was a rough month for us. We spent almost 4 weeks wearing pajamas, running humidifiers, sitting up all night, taking long naps, splashing in very steamy baths, and wiping noses.
So. Much. Snot.
Yes, that is a picture of McKenna sitting up at 1:00 in the morning being consoled through her fever watching a video... of herself.
Poor baby girls.
Luckily February was a much better month for us. Whew!
Even when they are sicky and waiting for breakfast with serious bed-head, they are stinking cute!
So sad...sickies...