Wednesday, April 19, 2017


Up on campus theres this cool drum statue/artwork spot by the RPAC.  We had never noticed it before, but yesterday we had been up there doing some swimming (more to come on that later) and while we were waiting for daddy to go get the car we decided to check it out.  

 It turns out the statue gets really hot on sunshiny days, and poor little Brinlee figured that out for us.

She tried to climb up to one of those drums and in the few seconds it took for her to touch it and get away from it, she had blister-burned her poor hand, arm, and a spot on her neck!  It was so SO sad, and so confusing!  Mckenna and I had played a drum just fine....  Poor Binlee found the extra hot one I guess.  She was really hurting, it was heartbreaking.  She was a serious trooper though.  She had to suffer through the drive home and then I had to dig out my old nursing stash of stuff to get her feeling comfortable.  But she handled it like a champion!

Tim was all ready to write up a big letter to OSU.  Turns out there is a warning sign by the statue... oops.  Too bad Brinlee didn't have a literate, responsible adult with her to help her out...
Way to go mama!
She does however have lots of people who love her!  This morning our next door neighbors brought over some treats, and then her best little friend Alex showed up with a bag full of all kinds of treats and homemade "get well" cards.  It was so sweet, and Brinlee was so excited! She just kept saying "my friends love me so much!"

Bless her little heart.  Hopefully it's a fast recovery.

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