Saturday, April 22, 2017


Well it's not quite summer yet... 
but spring has certainly sprung, and we can't help it if our minds have already started wandering in the direction of the Sunshine and Summertime type thoughts.  You know,
drinking hose water, 
park equipment that's way too hot to be any fun,
and swimming!

We decided to go ahead and get ready, so we put the girls in some swimming lessons, "swim class" as Mckenna calls it.  Brinlee had done some before, but Mckenna never had, and OSU offered some classes that would work for both of them.  No surprise, Brinlee loved it.  I'm pretty sure that girl is part fish.

What was pretty surprising though was how much McKenna loved it!
Last year she and the water didn't really get along very well.  She spent all summer keeping herself mostly in the ankle deep stuff and held on pretty tight if we took her anywhere more serious.  I didn't have super high hopes for the class.  But that little monkey was all over that swimming pool!  She did back floats, belly floats, blew bubbles, and kicked her legs and scooped her arms like it was going out of style!

Her true love though was jumping off the wall... man.  She goes crazy for that! No fear this year.  Look out summer!  Little Swimmer coming your way!

Our last class was Thursday and the girls wanted to take a little something for their teachers.   
"You are O-Fish-ally the best teacher, and we had bubbles of fun!"
Because who doesn't love Jones soda and Swedish fish?! 

I'm actually pretty excited for some water play this summer.  
It was so much fun watching them splash around that pool!

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